Top Dinner Party Tips

From wedding gifts to seasonal presents, we have curated a selection of desirable gifts to celebrate all occasions

Make a Grand Entrance 

Greet your guests with a symphony of scents from a delicately placed scented candle in the hall, accompanied by the beauty of fresh flowers in an elegant vase. It's a sensory welcome that sets the stage for an unforgettable evening.

Arrival Elegance 

Transform a side table into a stylish bar, where the allure of the first drink is served with a personal touch. The bar becomes a lively focal point, inviting guests to indulge and feel right at home, ready to immerse themselves in the festivities and allowing you to attend to other duties.

Illuminate the Atmosphere 

Cast a spell with the enchanting glow of low lighting. Candles and lamps create an ambiance of celebration and warmth, setting the perfect tone for an evening filled with joy.


Let Spotify curate the soundtrack for your soirée. The right music, effortlessly chosen, weaves through the air, elevating the mood. Encourage guest participation with a shared playlist, creating a harmonious atmosphere that resonates with everyone.

Feast in Style 

Elevate the dining experience with family-style charm. Present dishes on large platters, allowing guests to indulge in a shared culinary adventure. 

Seamless Clean Up 

Prepare for the aftermath by ensuring your dishwasher stands ready, empty and waiting. Streamline the post-party clean up, turning a potential hassle into a breeze. Because after hosting an unforgettable evening, you deserve an easy finale.

Top Tablescaping Tips

The Key to Setting a Memorable Table is All About Layering. I Like to Think of the Three C’s and an F


Embark on a journey of hues with a carefully curated colour palette. Start by draping a tablecloth, transforming the room into a canvas that not only dresses it up but also sets the stage for an evening filled with thematic allure.


Elevate your table with the sparkle of crystal glassware, capturing and reflecting light to cast enchanting shadows. 


Infuse your table scape with the allure of candles, varying in height to create a mesmerising play of light and shadow. Enhance the atmosphere with the flattering glow of candlelight, ensuring everyone basks in its flattering warmth. And remember, no scented candles at the table to keep the focus on the delightful feast.


Complete the masterpiece with the enchanting touch of flowers. Embrace the wild beauty of the outdoors by scattering an abundance of vases down the table's centre. Keep them low, ensuring unobstructed views across the table.